The Secret – It Works

A few years back I happened to read a book, called ‘The Secret’ based on the law of attraction and it captivated my being for quite some time to come. I was engrossed by the anecdots of the miraculous affects of positive thoughts that were mentioned in the book by the author, Rhonda Byrne. It was for the first time that I had read something about training the mind to be positive or shifting the focus to calmness even if one finds oneself in the midst of chaos. I couldn’t help but connect concepts like Trust, Belief, Gratitude and Charity to the teachings of Islam and how there is a greater wisdom to their application with respect to their transformative effects on the events in our lives.

There is a magical secret associated with the phenomenon of the law of attraction, the more you delve into it, the more you feel your life to be affected by it. Once I was in the groove, controlling the focus of my thoughts on certain things, the events in my life were coming in sync to the quality of my thoguhts, and as soon as I lost the focus, confusions and worries crept in.

The context of writing all of this is courtesy a coincidence of sorts. So, today, when I felt a bit of ennui about certain things, I decided to shift my focus by reading something inspiring. And the moment I entered a random social media forum, I came across stuff as if the world out there knows the current state of my mind. I was deluged by all kinds of positive content, something that raised my spirits and I instantly realized the reason behind it. Our minds sure are like antennas, they capture similar frequencies. We just have to tune into clearer pictures.

Tagi Saski – Thirsty Drops (A book of my translated Poetry)

In these unprecented times of general distress brough by the pandemic of Covid-19, finding happiness in and around is a challenge of sorts. Hence I was pleasantly surprised when I was told that a book of poetry – that I had translated from Pushto into English more than a decade back – has been published. ‘Pleasnt surprise’ is a mild adjective to describe what I actually felt when I heared the news from the poet who had originally penned the book in Pushto since it has been my first publication of sorts in the form of a book. I had only trans-created the collection of poems but the satisfaction it brought was heartfelt.

Tagi Saski- Thirsty Drops

Seeing my name against something in print after a longish hiatus is refreshing for my writing morale and I have started thinking on the lines of getting a book of my own poetry published.

Want to have a copy of this collection? Write to me on my email: or leave a comment on this post.

Islamabad Calling

It’s been a while since I’ve last had some food for thought and there’s an obvious hunger inside my soul. Never did I know that there would be such a drought of inspiration in the city I moved into, where people are barren lands. Yes, it isn’t wise to blame your surrounds for personal exasperations but there is definitely some truth behind the philosophy of people exuding vibes – good or bad. Yet I long for the literal green pastures of Islamabad and the company of good friends, colleagues and mentors whose presence would keep my spirits high during times when uncertainties made their way into my thought processes.

Now again is the time to fix my gaze to the same green pastures and wait for the miracle of the law of attraction – who knows if I find my lost connection. InshaAllah I will.

Political Dissent – The lowest ebb

The current political situation in Pakistan is unprecedented in its history, not with respect to political rivalries and the associated manoeuvrings but because of the way our body politic is dying a slow death courtesy the degeneration of moralities and the mass exodus of ethics out of our political discourse and practices.

There is an utter disregard towards values like respect for the opposing ideology and forbearance over political dissent. All we have are sharpened knives that are instantly out as soon as somebody utters a word incompatible to our set of beliefs.

The most unfortunate aspect of today’s immoral, less tolerant political culture is the proliferation of an ill-cultured, intolerant social media generation who could be seen at each others throats whenever you log on to the battlefields of facebook, twitter or any other related forum where the freedom of expression is criminally abused. Our politicians keep churning the dirt to feed the smear campaigns running at full throttle on our social media forums and there is no regulation whatsoever, nobody to stop this collective suicide of moralities.

While we are so busy bringing each other down, we have almost forgotten that we are in the midst of the month of August — the month of the creation of our homeland. Imagine if any of the founding leaders of Pakistan gets to see what we are doing to each other, to our institutions, will he be proud of the sacrifices they rendered for us. I am not sure. If motherland is like a mother, we all should behave like the proud sons and daughters of the land. This is the time to introspect, not to disrespect the sacrifices rendered by our forefathers. There is not pill for the ills of our nation except unity. If are to survive, we have to be united, holding on to the values of tolerance and respect. These keyboards and touch-screen wars will get us nowhere.

Youth Are The Lifeline

I am posting here an old essay of mine that I wrote back in 2011 but the relevance of which cannot be denied in today’s or future Pakistan, though the relevance and importance of a young population could spring hopes of a better future anywhere in the world.

A French proverb goes like ‘youth lives on hope, old age on remembrance’. Here we would discuss in detail the first part of the French wisdom that is universal in soul and has proven right time and again.

The evolution and progress of societies need solid grounds i-e the strength of population, the economic resources, cohesion etc. Today’s world that is massively populous, less ethical and dangerously power-centric, is a practical example of Herbert Spencer’s coined phrase of ‘the survival of the fittest’. Hence for a given society to survive and thrive, it must have a well managed and conspicuous chunk of youth population, for youth are the most potential and capable of all the segments of a society.

In the above context, the struggle for the independence of Pakistan was the fruition of the efforts of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan who channelized the energies of the Muslim youth through the Aligarh Tehreek. Allama Mohammad Iqbal deemed the awakening of the Muslim youth to be the only way out of the British and Hindu manipulation. He did stir that hope in the Muslim youth, hence the creation of Pakistan.

The preservation of independence they say, is the hardest part. Sadly enough the post independence era in Pakistan saw the demise or ageing of the stalwarts of the Pakistan movement and there was no next breed of the erstwhile inspired youth to carry the country through to progress and prosperity. Men with myopic vision and unsatiable lust for power took reigns one after the other squandering  a significant part of the country in the process.

Yet Pakistan emerged out of many a catastrophe mainly courtesy the vibrancy of its youth. Were it not for the  valiance of its Jawans in the war of 1965, Pakistan could so easily be a victim to the whims of the neighbor. The devastating earth quake of 2005 saw the emergence of a new, refreshing face of the Pakistani youth who employed all their capacities to help the earth-quake stricken stand on their feet. Be it helping the war-hit IDPs or the flood affectees, we have numerous examples of the sincerity and capability of the Pakistani youth to transform despair into hope.

Pakistan is fortunate in a way as to have a youth population of more than 50 percent, larger than any other neighboring country. If properly channelized and groomed it could make wonders. Today when Pakistan is caught in the worst internal and external crises, one finds hope to see the organized bodies of the Pakistani youth on the social networking websites and their activism on roads to help bring positive change in the society. In the prevalent gloom if the national horizon flashes with any light they are the silver lines drawn by the brilliance of youth.


Re-visiting my blog

Now when I’ve re-stepped into this blog after an eon’s gap, do I realize that am in the mid of a desert that once was not so deserted. There’s plenty amount of water passed under the bridge of my life ever since, for better, thankfully. There’s a thick layer of rust accumulated over my thinking brain and my writing pen though. For now I do intend to update this space more regularly by trying not to let go off ideas without giving them some kind of a shape here, the way I used to treat them in a distant past. The forms and shapes of the ideas may not be as decent as one or two of my previous writing efforts were, I’d still like them here for something is better than not writing at all.

Hope for an update on this blog very soon.



Water Cycles

Like that of nature, there is a human emotional water cycle going on in sensitive beings. There are wells within chests that swell upon digging – the deeper the stimulus the more the water awash the eyes. There are sighs that form the rainclouds. Rains are blessings but emotional floodings wreck havoc at times.